I won't wear purple. I will be kick ass like my grandmother!
OK, so my grandmother isn't an old lady - she is only in her 70s, and she is more active than most people I know.
She e-mailed me out of the blue yesterday to let me know she and my grandfather (who the rest of us do not squash like a bug simply because we want to see her) are in Oregon on the way to an RV trip with some friends. They cross the country in this way much of the year. We are going to meet them Saturday for dinner (Mr. RK will be meeting them for the first time.)
So today I spoke with her on the phone and she was all excited about her new cell phone. "I even text!" she bragged.
So cool. If I make it that long, I vow to try to be that cool myself.
And you will. And you’ll be just as cool. I know.
All the best, Boonsong
LMAO @ I won't wear purple! That is the stupidest, mnost over-rated book ever. Not counting Nicholas Sparks.
You will be running around the grocery store at 95, telling dumb bells to fuck off and move their carts.
Some how, I can't picture you as an "old lady" wandering around with cane whacking the crap of some young miscreant, but I can picture you as an "old lady" on the back of a Harley smacking the crap out some old miscreant for the simple offense of looking at you.
Never understood the appeal of the movie "The color of purple".
I love hip seniors! My grandma can't text and has no clue what the Internet does, but some of her friends blow me away with their techie skills.
Way to go Grandma!
You are already cool, so you'll certainly be a cool elderly person.
Rock. On.
I could say something about your age, and an upcoming birthday, but I'll hold off for just a little while longer...
Oh, and my dream when I'm an old man is to call up cable companies and complain about their new fangled holographic technology, bitch about my fixed income and call them young whippersnappers (as I have once been called over the phone).
My password is "subhor." Definition: A prostitute who now works underground.
Chica, we are on our way to being that cool...and I'll get there before you! ;)
Hell, I don't even text! Maybe, I will learn by the time I'm 70.
B: Thanks!
FB: Totally agree!
G: Bwahaha! Thanks, I think ;)
A: I have to say, I was pretty impressed, as neither of my parents can figure out how to text.
L: You are sweet!
Mike: LMAO!
Ily: Well, I'll learn by your example ;)
MZ: There's always time!
Yes, you can think. You have been given permission by the powers that be that are your loyal and slightly unbalanced readers, to think.
And you're welcome.
Word verify: draftrad. Have no idea on where to go with that one.
go go gadget grandma! hoping all of us such a healthy outlook at all stages of life.
and oh, Grandma....TEXTIFY
Darth: Now I will totally have that theme song in my head when I see her :)
My grandma has never owned a cellphone, but she can work Facebook !
When I become an old lady, I will have total attitude and a dirty mouth ! Oh wait, I already do !
It would be a happy day for me to know my grandchildren thought I was a "kick ass" granny:)
S: Right with you!
GA: I can't imagine them thinking any other way :)
I don't text!
I do wear purple.
See I'm not ignoring you either!! :D
Joey: I'm sure you look great in purple :) You got the joke though, right?
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