OK, not quite wordless. Mike D sent me this and it totally summed up my Monday! Today was better. One of the people who made my day hell yesterday call and apologized. "I had a really crap day," he said.
"Me too," I said. I did not tell him, "And you contributed to it!"
But I thought it quite loudly.
Thank you to everyone who made today better...and Mr. RK for making yesterday end on a nicer note. Diet 7-Ups and cuddles always help!
Speaking of Mr. RK, he bought me an early birthday present...but it was appropriated.

Pleased that things look a little brighter.
All the best, Boonsong
At least he called and apologized. Not that apologizing wipes away shitty behavior, but it's something. Looks like your kitties found a new friend. Cute!
They are so cute! Glad your day was better, Twin.
That is so lovely that you had the cuddles and beverage of choice after a bad day. And Snoopy has made a bright spot in your kitties' day. :)
That's certainly how I feel during an unrequited cookie infatuation.
Glad I was able to contribute a little happiness to your day. Little too far away for cuddles and/or 7-Up.
Always there for ya!
Aww is this a fuzzy cute post?? Wow, are you ok? ;)
sorry your week been rough...but love the first pic. okay, the second was good too
B: That was then, this is now! Oh well :)
A: I know, aren't they adorable?
L: It made a bright spot in mine too :)
WIGSF: Right with you on that one.
Mike: Thanks!
Joey: Yeah. :)
Darth: Thanks!
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