Monday, November 08, 2010

My beef with Victoria's Secret

Open message to Victoria's Secret: you have customers who aren't flat.

I hate to be so crass but those of us with 38Cs need love, too.

Or rather, we need bras.

So I have a few questions spurred from a recent visit to one of your stores.

1. Why do you make entire lines of bras that don't come in my size?

2. When you do carry my size, why is it in the very bottom drawer, mere inches from the floor? Those of us who fall into this category have more to expose by bending over, don't you think?

3. Why do you advertise bras that "add two cup sizes"? You talk about a secret waiting to be exposed...

4. On that note, why not create a bra that reduces two cup sizes? Perhaps then I'll stop having quite as many men talk to my tits?

5. When you send out coupons, why not "a free pair of lacey/naughty underwear," rather than a coupon for a free pair of boring cotton granny panties?

Just asking.


Fireblossom said...

You said it, sista. They're overpriced anyway.

LL Cool Joe said...

Sorry, but for some reason I'm picturing the boring cotton granny panties. I think all women she be forced to wear boxer shorts myself. ;)

Darth Weasel said...

What a coincidence! I have been making that SAME complaint!

on a barely related, nasty test word is "semin" as in some men are seamin to see the seam in the undergarments of the sea women which leads to semen...see, men, I know

Lynn said...

I won't go back there for that reason and also it just seems overpriced. I went in there for a bra a couple of years ago and came out with $220 in merchandise. Never again and the bras weren't comfortable at all.

Anonymous said...

Oh boo hoo. I have big tits. Life sucks. Woo is me. It stinks being able to attract every man in every room. And it really stinks getting offered jobs above my qualifications.

Granny Annie said...

Victorias Secret us as unkind to the flat chested as they are to the overly endowed. Remember when the salesperson laughed at my goddaughter when she asked for a 34A? The rude clerk scoffed that she doubted they carried such a small bra. Makes you wonder just who shops at VS.

Shionge said...

Hmmmm....must, must, must feedback to them Rk :)

I shopped online for most of their bras and G though ;)

G. B. Miller said...


I haven't really COUGH! COUGH! COUGH! that Victoria Secret had issues with size, no, none whatsoever on those store mannequins.

And a truly sillier note:

Good woman! You're a 38C?!

Maybe I should change the ethnicity of Jeannie from half peurto rican/half black to something else?

Riot Kitty said...

Lol @ most of the comments...
Joey, boxers sound uncomfortable!
GA: Wow, what a mean saleslady!
WIGSF: Every job I have gotten I have gotten with my degree and work experience, thank you very much...
G: It's true!

G. B. Miller said...

Yeah but....I knew you were saying a few things to me about a particular piece of clothing based on personal experience, but I didn't realize it was because you were that particular numeral.

I'm having a Dolly Parton moment here.

I must take my leave and cool myself off with a stroll outside in the cold November evening. :D

Logical Libby said...

Why do all of the bras have padding? I'm sorry, but that is not a "slight liner" if the sucker can stand up on it's own.

Riot Kitty said...

L: I know, right?!

Mike_D said...

I have absolutely no comment on this subject whatsoever.

I love this blog!

Nuff said...

Riot Kitty said...

Mike! Bwahahaha!

Ileana said...

LMAO - I can't believe I almost missed this post! I needed this laugh! Your #4 is fantastic! :D

PS - I can't complain because I'm about average in the boobs dept, but I hear you, Chica. :)

Riot Kitty said...

SI: Glad to help w/the laughs! And I think bras aren't really made to fit any of us well, honestly.

Unknown said...

Shows u how far out of it I am!! I assumed the store catered to voluptuous and curvy women. (at least that's what I've daydreamed about) LOL If not.. who do they cater to exactly?

Riot Kitty said...

Darrin: Hahaha! I'm still trying to figure that out...