...that I do not have much of.
I like what Ambrose Bierce said: "It is a form of despair disguised as a virtue."
Actually, someone recently said that I have patience "for those who deserve it."
I like to think so.
My problem is when there are people in my life who definitely don't deserve it, but I try to give it to them anyhow (even when I want to stick it to them) because they are in the extended circle of my life, by way of being connected to people I care about.
There are people I would love to never, ever see again. OK, maybe once every 10 years or so. That would be enough.
So the way I see it, it tries my patience enough having to see them more often than that, and being nice to them is even more difficult, since they are being shitheads to me.
See, I was raised to believe that the following things were part of the social contract:*
1. Manners
2. Not being a complete greedy bastardly pig.
There are people related to people I care about who seem to have completely missed out on this lesson, and, well...they are trying my patience!
Just cross your fingers for me. It's hard for me to keep my mouth shut but I am trying to keep the peace and not go off on the people who are pissing me off.
How do you stay patient?
*My friend K says part of the social contract also means you must wear pants in public. I agree.
K is wrong. I wear skirts.
It is simply a comfort issue...
How? Honestly, by seeing people like Greg Fischer was...people who exemplified patience, compassion, sympathy and empathy even with those who did not deserve it. I strive to emulate his example.
The number of bodies I have stashed in various trunks is a testament to my many failures
I have no idea, let me know when you find the answer!
Good luck!
I had to exercise patience just last night at the annual meeting of my condominium association. Three people who love to hear themselves talk did just that. I have no advice for that, other than I just suck it up and get through it.
Hmmmm....a serious question deserves a thoughtful answer.
At work, becuase I deal the holier than thou types who could make my life more miserable than it already is, my patience is self-manufactured and pre-loaded. I have a short one page letter buried deep in a file in another part of the building which in essence will keep me in check until December 2012. Because of that, I now do the next best thing. I pass those pompous jackasses to my supervisor.
At home, well, you already know about that so, 'nuff said.
patience is for people with no place else to go
I limit my time around those who test my patience. Life is too short to be dealing with bullshit, and it's all bullshit.
PS - I didn't mean for that to sound as negative as it did...you know what I mean, Chica! :)
wigsf3: Sort of like you?
G: That is good advice! I like my boss though...
I like my boss too, but it doesn't mean that I'm not gonna pass on to her the jackasses who really need to be bitch slapped into next week.
G: Yeah, gotta agree with you there!
wigsf3 said it for me: "patience is for people with no place else to go". Great quote
GA: It was excellent, no?
The only way I can control my mouth, (which rarely happens.).is to walk away..
Patience has never been one of my attributes.. :0
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