Monday, November 01, 2010

Good day, sunshine!

Forgive me if I'm not in blogland for a few days while I'm down here in California visiting my family. Though my parents live right in the heart of Silicon Valley, there is only one computer for several people and I'm kind of enjoying not sitting at a desk anyhow.

Last night we took my little sister trick-or-treating. She went as Cleopatra, but made sure to tell my dad that, "Unlike her, I'm NOT going to commit suicide!"

Me: "And where did you learn about that?"
My sister: "In the Scholastic Reader."

Yikes! The most serious thing I remember reading in that periodical was an ad for a Berenstein Bears book...

And in other news, we are congratulating my stepmom, who just received her first CEO offer! Yahoo! So long glass ceiling, hello sunshine...

Yep, that's right. It's sunny and in the 70s here. When I left Portland it was 44 and foggy. I'm due for a little unreality so I'll visit you all as soon as I get back...


Green Tea said...

We ran out of candy last night and I was one of those people i hated when I was a kid..turned off the lights..:)
Congrats to your Mom :)

Ileana said...

Your little sister sounds smart...and adorable. Scholastic Reader isn't what it once was, apparently. (Btw, I LOVED the Berenstein Bears!)

Enjoy the sunshine and your time away. Hope all's better when you get back.

Aliceson said...

Enjoy that sunshine and your family! Your sister sounds like a lot of fun! :)

Fireblossom said...

The berenstain bears? i worry about you sometimes.

Darth Weasel said...

be safe and have fun with the fam. relaxation rules.

By coincidence, I also went as Cleopatra...however, (hopefully) unlike your sister, it was as Cleopatra miming Lady Godiva and I neglected to shave my back hair first.

I did it as a public service...would you believe not one person at the party ate any candy?

Lynn said...

The Scholastic Reader has come a long way, I guess. Your brother and sister are both such great kids.

LL Cool Joe said...

Enjoy your break!!

Logical Libby said...

Did you tell her not to be an asp? Get it? An asp?

Shionge said...

Hey RK, have fun bonding :)

Granny Annie said...

I slammed into the glass ceiling so hard that I'm pretty sure I cracked it enough for you and you mom and others to get on through. That makes it worthwhile:)

Your sister has to be thrilled to have a big sister to enjoy Halloween with.

JLee said...

Wow, that looks gorgeous! Have a great time :)

Unknown said...

Have fun girlie! We all need escapes from reality from time to time.