Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Is this funny enough to blog about?

Please cast your vote. Mr. Riot Kitty says no. I disagree.

At any rate, as I have mentioned in several other posts, he works with several people who speak English as their second or third language.

Apparently the word for "chop" in Lao sounds like the word "fuck."

So today, someone brought in a bunch of carrots to Mr. Riot Kitty's work, and one of his co-workers, who enjoys cooking and happens to be a native Lao speaker, was waxing poetic about recipes.

"So you take the carrots and go fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! Just like that."

And you take the chicken...

You get the picture.


Darth Weasel said...

I gotta vote the picture alone is worth blogging about...

Claire said...

Bwahahahaha! Brilliant!


JLee said...

I agree with Darth! haha
"hold still, I am going to fuck you, carrot!!"

Scarlet said...

LOL - Beautiful!

vivavavoom said...

gives a whole new spin to the meal Chop suey!! that pic is defintitely awesome!!

Green tea said...

I needed a laugh,
Thanks Kitty :D

alpharat said...

Definitely worth blogging about. I giggled, and told someone else the story.

This blog post is full of win!