Friday, August 08, 2008

Go, Henry!

*Note: the situation described below took place with no men in the room - obviously!*

At work this afternoon, one of my co-workers was talking about the funeral service of a member of our nonprofit community who died suddenly of an aneurysm last week.

Apparently, there was a lot of talk during the service about "his women" - he had quite a lot of them! His mother said, "His first girlfriend is still in love with him, and when they broke up, she was still his friend, and the second girlfriend is still in love with him, and when they broke up..."

And so on.

I blurted out, "He must have been GREAT IN BED!" right as another said, "He must have LASTED A REALLY LONG TIME!!!"

(I mean, IS THERE any other reason to hang around an ex? Unless he has come out of the closet and really wants to be friends?)

And then we all laughed loudly.

Yet we humans think we are so clever...

Check out this story about a 111-year-old lizard and his 80-year-old mate!

And...drum roll, please...she's just one of THREE of his bed buddies.

Not bad for a guy who weighs just 2.6 pounds.

While we have no photos of Henry, here's another picture of a tuatara like him - and I suppose that for his species, he must be one sexy guy!


Mr. Riot Kitty said...

Henry is my new hero and role model! I have a 3 step plan to remake myself into Henry's image. It is a cunning plan, a subtle plan, a Machiavellian plan. My plan will require great patience an more personal sacrifice than most are prepared to give, but I WILL be like Henry.
My clever plan will take 74 years to execute.


Fuck it, too much work.

Scarlet said...

I have never been able to keep an ex as a friend, EVER!

BTW, Mr. Riot Kitty is a riot! He's a keeper.

Coby said...

What a cool story! I agree with Mr. Riot Kitty Henry is my hero as well!

Anonymous said...

i cannot hold back the tidal wave of nerditry any longer!

not only do i have to point out, Tourette's-like, that tuataras aren't lizards, i have to tell you about this awesome book i read in 7th grade: it was a kids' mystery book set in a zoo, and it involved the top-secret arrival of a coelacanth and the poignant friendship that grows between the fish and the tuatara, both being really rare and the only living members of their order (an apparently lonely condition making one prone to metaphysical ruminations)...

i think it's pretty clear that my life went terribly wrong very early.

vivavavoom said...

great reply by Mr Riot Kitty!! you two have great senses of humor. I guess it would be good when you go for people to remember you for your vitality. better than your that a word?

Claire said...

Henry is awesome!

"Whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man!"


Riot Kitty said...

Oooooooooh, NON-lizard!!! The tidal wave of nerdity - I love it!

BTW, if you want to become even MORE active in a tidal wave of nerdity...Weird Al is playing in Salem on my :)

Riot Kitty said...

PS Viva - yes, limpness is a word - (and you are right about being remembered for vitality instead...)

Anonymous said...


By the time, we're like, 200, right? We'll have like so many chicks....

That would be awesome. We're totally gonna get laid.

Mike D

JLee said...

No wonder he had an aneurysm!

Darth Weasel said...

now we know where Hefner got his inspiration

and Mr. Riot Kitty, saying it is no longer part of the plan to throw us off the scent fools nobody who studied Machavelli. Just sayin'