Monday, August 11, 2008

How now, brown leotard?

I have no shortage of glee: the Hooters in my town just closed!

Mind you - I am not against strip clubs. If people are dumb enough to fork over money for women (and men) they'll never get to touch or talk to, so be it.

However, Hooters pisses me off because it's a fraud - pretending to be something it's not.

Their corporate fuckhead mouthpieces continually say that they're a "family restaurant" - excuse me, that's not how my family dresses for dinner!

However...their defense a few years back, when their female employees sued several male managers for sexual harassment, was that the workers "should be used to it" because it was that kind of place.


So it bothered me no end that one of the sleazeholes opened up in the same shopping area as my Trader Joe's. Veggies and breasts, anyone? Then the local newspaper - which is part of a chain owned by a born-again Christian pastor, no less - partnered with this family restaurant for a promotional bbq giveaway. I'm not sure how many legs and breasts were promised in this package...

But yesterday, Mr. Riot Kitty noticed a glorious thing...the Hooters lot was empty. The sign, which had glared out at me dozens of times like a Home Depot sign, but with breasts, was gone.

Yippee kay yay, motherfuckers!


Claire said...

Hee. Glad you're happy - this post made me smile!


Scarlet said...

Hooters. I go for the wings not the breasts. ;)

I just read in our local paper that the little league team had their big celebration dinner at Hooters, believe it or not. I had to know the dads had to be the ones organizing that event!

Darth Weasel said...

I think all but one closed. some shock...Hooters, a strip club with horrific food but where the girls remain fully clad, failed in a town with one of the highest per capita percentages of strip clubs in the nation. What, if guys are going to overpay for bad food to see girls, they would rather pay less to see more? Who saw that one coming?

Another pointless waste of space goes down the tubes, and really, all we can say is...who gives a whoot? (groan...even by my standards that was brutal. sorry. not sorry enough to erase it...but sorry)

Jessica said...

It's like my boyfriend Steve says "No one goes to Hooters for the wings." That's what Buffalo Wild Wings is for!

And those born agains frustrate me to no end, btw!

JLee said...

Family restaurant my ass ;)
Their food sucks too...

Anonymous said...

There should be more Home Depots with breasts. I would go there a hell of a lot more...