Monday, March 11, 2013

Do you find any of these things annoying on a Monday?

1. It's daylight savings time, AND the Monday after getting back from a trip the evening before. Translation: I'm fucking wiped.

2. People who keep mentioning how great it is that it's DST, because we get an extra hour of light tonight! Fine, then give me the extra hour of sleep you lost and we will call it even.

2. My boss forgot to bring some goodies for some of our volunteers that he went to meet with in another part of the state. That's not the annoying part. The annoying part is that I am totally inept at taping up a package with the tape gun. Why the fuck can't I master this thing? (OK, it's not just me; my dad has copped to the same inability.) It twists, it turns, it tangles, it won't tear, and the only time the spikey tear strip thing works is when it slips and the spikes get me.

3. A friend who texted last night about porn is texting today about work stuff. Would that be confusing for you, mentally? Perhaps it's just me and DST.

4. A colleague asking me about a question regarding something that he is in charge of, and that I have no clue about, hinting that I should investigate. This being the same coworker who doesn't ever offer to do anything outside his job description unless I specifically request it, and if I do, he then says, "I don't know when I'll have time..."

5. A large espresso drink just isn't large enough. I mean, size matters.

How was your Monday? And more importantly, can any of you handle the tape gun without any mishaps or injuries? Inquiring minds want to know.

In better news, though, I read that Tardar Sauce the Grumpy Cat is a bigger attraction at SXSW than Al Gore! Well, duh.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Grumpy Cat is at the SXSW Festival to shoot a commercial for Friskies cat food. She's their new spokescat -- ka-ching!

I hate friggin' tape guns too.

Birdie said...

Tape guns! I would like to know who came up with that keen invention. When I was in my early 20's I worked in shipping and receiving and I could never get them to work. I ended up just taking it off the gun and tearing it off and ripping it with my teeth. It is a good thing I did more receiving that shipping because that glue on the tape is awful.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

TAPE GUNS! Awful, awful, and more awful....Has that invention ever worked??? Why can't someone IMPROVE it so it does work, OR....just get rid of it, all together!! I bet more money has been wasted on people buying one, hoping it will make packing go faster, only to discover it stinks....OY!
As to DST...I wish they would just leave it this way all year...NO changing every 6 or 7 months...
Lots of Grrr today, here, too!

Elephant's Child said...

Tape guns hate me - nearly as much as I hate them.
DST? Bleah. Ours will finish before tooooo much longer and I am so looking forward to reclaiming the hour that was stolen from me last year. Our DST starts too early and continues for too long. And I am over it. And have been for months. I resent it more than I can say when it is already over 35C by nine a.m. Ten a.m. was bad enough.

Lynn said...

There are fans of DST, but they seem to be few and far between (mostly people, like my coworker John, who is all athletic and likes to ride his bicycle in the evening. Me - they should just leave it at regular old eastern time. I felt off and out of sorts all day yesterday.

And I can't do tape guns either. :)

Granny Annie said...

Your post was funny but I made it even funnier by starting out and for some reason thinking I was reading kenju's post. I have never seen her use the "f" word and was astonished...and then I knew. Now I must apologize for liking DST.

DWei said...

DST kind of screwed me over in a way. After I finished my midterm I took a nap midway before waking up to double check my answers.

Cperz said...

I hate the "spring forward" part to DST. My body takes weeks to recover. 5 AM really feels look 4 AM and it stays that way all day.

As for the tape gun. I didn't realize I have a proficiency. I am proficient in tape gunnery. After 21 moves, I can handle a tape gun as well as any gunslinger you ever saw on an old western. Yes, I am that good. Unfortunately, there is not a market for this type of talent.

I ADORE Grumpy Cat. I think that cat is just awesome.

Rock Chef said...

Neverhad the chance to use a tape gun but i am sure i would make a total mess of it.

Ileana said...

I've been cut with that tape gun more times than I care to share...which is why I use a roll and scissors. Some things just have to be done the old fashioned way.

Size matters, yes...I always go for the Extra Extra Grande.

Btw, I just love that second kitty. OMG, what a great Christmas card that would make!

Shionge said...

Speaking of 'porn'....I had a good laugh when my brother told me he is dining at Porn restaurant hehheehe and before I went wild or now before you go wild...check this

It is a Thai restaurant ahhahahah LOL, what a name!!! The owner is a Thai and his name is Pornsak something something hehehehe...

Charles Gramlich said...

The tape gun and I have a cautious relationship. It works for me and I promise not to bury it a food deep in the garbage.

G. B. Miller said...


Did my grunt training at my first job with the state, learning all the ins and outs of using a tape gun.



As for my Monday, it got transplanted to Wednesday as I've been spending the past two days, repeat, two days answering the same exact question, in two different e-mails, from the same person, that had a combined total of 8 pages.

Riot Kitty said...

Thanks for the answers, everyone! And Shionge, OMG! That is priceless.
GB: Welcome to my world ;)

A Beer for the Shower said...

I'm still feeling Monday, and I don't care how long it's been, I still want my hour back. That extra daylight is useless to me as a walking zombie.

Also, I got your card today, which was very sweet! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I *cannot* work a tape gun, at all! Nightmarish things!

Riot Kitty said...

ABFTS: Well, it was sweet of you to donate. And hope you find out what is ailing you soon, without turning into a robot.
Unknown: Thank you! I thought it wasn't just me.

LL Cool Joe said...

I wrap up stuff I sell on ebay daily, I'm an expert with a tape gun. :D

But as for number 3, the confusing part to me would be the texting. ;)

Riot Kitty said...

Joey: I'm so jealous! And yeah, I am still confused.

Darth Weasel said...

Tape Guns suck. While talking about things that suck...what ISN'T a bigger draw than a hypocritical jet-setter trying to convince everyone not named Gore to be frugal in carbon emissions while living in afurnace boiler plate of excessocity and flying helter skelter across the globe?