Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Wisdom from our family

"I'm just like you. I was sleeping beautifully, and then - KABOOM! - I had to wake up."
- From my little sister, age 10, after waking up for school in the morning

Me to a driver who almost hit our car: "Hey, fucker!"
My 15-year-old brother's reply: "Yes?"

"My cat wouldn't respond to the name they gave her at the shelter. So I renamed her Kitty, Kitty, and now she responds."
- My grandfather, in a conversation with my dad

"I'm actually willing to take it all off. Should I do that?"
- Me, to a bewildered TSA agent at the San Jose airport


Maude Lynn said...

And, what did the TSA agent say?

Darth Weasel said...

Oh, but you should have heard what the MIME said!

Shari said...

Nice that you were able to name her yourself :)

Lynn said...

I'm glad you had a nice trip - family time is always fun. :) And did the agent want you to take it all off???

LL Cool Joe said...

I didn't have to strip off when I went through security at Phoenix airport, in fact they were begging me to keep my clothes on. ;)

Claire said...



Holland said...

Kitty, Kitty.... I so understand you much more now I have read this. Absolutely Brilliant...LOL

Mike_D said...


Take what all off? Inquiring minds want to know....

Your sister was dreaming she was you? Best. Dream. Ever.

Oh, and yes I was dead whilst texting you.

Riot Kitty said...

You all crack me up!

No, I didn't take any clothes off...he waited about 30 seconds and said, "No." Giving me a look like, "Is she serious?"

My little sister was saying we were the same - rudely interrupted from sleep.

Logical Libby said...

See, I would be a bad TSA agent, because I would have told you to go ahead, but do it slowly...

Full-On-Forward said...

I LOVE YOU! Umm..can I say that legally?

Mr RK...I mean in a BLOG sense!

I like a TSA agent with a sloow hand......


Riot Kitty said...

Libby: I think he was considering that, come to think of it. Either that, or contemplating telling his boss that I was sexually harassing him (this was my dad's thought.)
John: Hahaha! Yes, you're legal.

Granny Annie said...

Kaboom! That is how I awaken every morning. Once awake, always awake. There is no going back to sleep.

Is that age appropriate language for a 15 year old?

All cats should be named "Kitty Kitty).

Why not just take it all off? Maybe we should carry little paper hospital gowns in our purses for modesty.

JLee said...

I have always considered myself "special" as well ;)

G. B. Miller said...

hands are shaking as he tries to type something incredibly clever and provocative, but sadly realizes that the image is too much for him and he hurriedly changes the channel to watch C-Span 2

Riot Kitty said...

GA: Good point. I try not to let him hear or use the word "yes."
JL: You're in good company ;)
G: Bwahaha!

Anonymous said...

He may have said no but he was probably thinking "Hot d@mn! Today is my lucky... I uh, of course not you silly goose, keep those clothes on."

And one of my younger cousins used to answer to the same thing your brother did. lol.... must be a boy thing?