I am so excited that I have plants that I have not only not killed, but that are actually bearing fruit! (Stop snickering. I have accidentally killed cacti before.) Check out these little beauties, who will soon go into an omelette:

Mr. RK noted that things do tend to grow in this house...including Earl Grey, who is a good 2 lbs. more than he was when he moved in less than a year ago:

And Mr. Lucky, who weighs about half a pound more than he did when he moved in last May (which is nothing to sneeze at when you come in at 12 lbs!)

PS...He didn't become Alien Kitty...it's just the flash.
Mr. RK also filled out a bit (in a good way, because before he met me, he'd spend hours in the shop and forget to eat for entire days at a time), but he refuses to let me put his picture on the internet. So here's a likeness:

So there you have it! A sappy post.
(Oh, and PS - "Fuck!")
if Mr. RK is Gumby, does that make you Pokey????????
Um...it looks as if perhaps that stuffed bunny likes your cat a little TOO much.
OK, I'll go now.
Awww, cute kitties (what's Mr. Lucky doing with the stuffed rabbit?).
Congrats on the peppers, I'm looking forward to garden eating again (something besides parsnips and carrots).
Yep a sign of contentment. Everything and everyone gets bigger. Now that sounds smutty, and I didn't mean to.
I must say your husband looks hot! :D
Your luck with plants and cats seem to be the same as Mrs GE. She couldn't keep a plant alive to save her life, and the cats here are what the mrs calls "cuddly", her way of saying fat.
I use to be just like Mr RK, just got too damn busy to eat.
Great pix!
I cannot grow anything, other than hair. Any plant that I have ever been given has died a slow, agonizing death from my utter incompetence in caring for green things.
Loved the Gumby, too.
Tom has griped in the past about my avatar-- since basically its a nasal shot of him...
Yeah for homegrown veggies. I can't wait for my share - and I plan to share back! Say hi to gumby - I mean Mr RK - for me!
Hmmmm. My cactus is doing quite well....
Mr. RK is nothing like what I pictured, but I'm glad he's filled out some. Your cats are adorable and those little beauties would taste delicious in my "picadillo" (the peppers, not the cats), which I'm cooking tomorrow night (again, the "picadillo," not the cats).
Glad I was not the only one who saw that bunny being inappropriate.
And if it helps any, when it comes to growing stuff...I once killed a plastic plant. So you ain't the worst one out there...
Chilli Omelette? That I got to try and glad that everything 'grown' well ;)
No fair I want to see the real
Mr. RK :D
You'll have to email me a picture.
Snap it when he's sleeping
I can't keep a single plant alive
instant death in my hands..I prefer cut flowers, i don';t feel as guilty when they die..
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