So I read the other day that some 97 percent of e-mail is spam. 97 percent! How much faster would our DSL be without that traffic poisoning inboxes everywhere? Sadly enough, the story also said that most people actually OPEN IT AND READ IT.
Newsflash, guys: there is nothing that will give you a bigger penis.
But in the good spirit of things, I have some tips for the idiots who keep spamming us at work:
1. When you claim you're from UPS and our package was delivered to the wrong address, don't choose a return e-mail address that begins with the letters "horny." (I'm not making this up.)
2. When sending mail regarding penis size, take care to notice that I don't have one.
3. Don't bother sending spam with pharmaceutical discounts. I work with these companies and if I really want some of their pills, I know where to find their discount programs. And no, I don't need viagra (see suggestion #2.)
4. I don't need any fake Rolexes, RayBans, or Gucci bags. Especially when you send to "Mr RK." He does not dress in drag, ok?
5. I don't have an excess of body fat, yellow teeth, or other conditions that need miracle products. Do you have anything in the way of bras that don't show nipples? Pants that don't show pantylines? Thongs that don't go where they shouldn't? Then we'd be talking.
6. I already work from home. It's called "working at home after work."
7. I'm not a mom, and I already have a degree, so I don't need to go back to school, no matter what you claim our president has requested.