A well-meaning (I assume) but pain-in-the-ass (often) volunteer at my work said in a meeting the other day that the end of one of our events was "a little anti-climactic."
Mind you, there were balloons, there was music, there was ice cream, there were people clapping and giving out hi-fives, and 2,000 people finishing the event with smiles on their faces.
This is the same volunteer who is constantly asking things like, "Why don't you have the latest version of MicroSoft Office on all of your computers here?" and, "Why don't you have a postage meter?", "Why don't you have an IT person on staff?" (Hint: we have a staff of two,) and even, "Do you have a vacuum cleaner?"
Me: "Why? Do you need to borrow one?"
Volunteer: "I just wanted to know."
So another volunteer and I were thinking next year's event could be really climactic for her.
PS I don't know about you, but I totally want this shirt! Who knew Canadians could be naughty?
Well maybe balloons, music, ice cream, and clapping just ain't her thing. Maybe she'd prefer to be alone with the vacuum cleaner?
Ha! That shirt is great and Joe's comment just cracked me up. I'm thinking the vacuum cleaner remark is a passive / aggressive way to say the floor needs vacuuming. She should feel free to do that, I think.
Perhaps she's secretly into being a mistress of fun and the vacuum cleaner is simply one of her tools of enjoyment.
Is this blog interactive?
Will there be lunch?
Have you got an astrolabe? I just wondered.
This blog hasn't given me even one orgasm yet. Is it going to?
Oh. we're very naughty. Remember, we're part French. Sure, we look all friendly and courteous and clean and neat, but in the bedroom, we get down.
If you get some time, check out this website.
That shirt is too funny. That person sounds so annoying, sorry to say. Like if you're in a place that needs a volunteer, then the place obviously doesn't have a big budget, shut it!
I want to know what FB wants to know. :)
Joey! LMAO!
Lynn: Funny, because the floor had just been vacuumed, which I told her. But I'll let her do it next time!
G: Would that include any of the attachments?
FB: This still has me laughing...:)
WIGSF: Good to know. I'll check it out and remember your blog in case my husband decides he's gay ;)
Ally: I think I'll tell her that!
I: So do I ;)
Classic shirt. You should get one, and then wear it when that volunteer shows up....to see the response.
GE: Great idea! I'd be more interested to see the reponse from my boss ;)
So, uh, after looking at the link...and thinking about your suggestion to make things climatic...I guess there is just one question that comes to mind.
and I know it belongs more on my blog than yours, but after clicking the link and reading your writing again, it just fits...
would she like a spanking?
Darth: LMAO!! Perfect!!
what else could we canuckistanians be if not naughty? after all we got those neat seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter, and three months of tough sledding :P lol
Laughingwolf: Good to know ;)
I would never say anything negative at an event with ice cream.
S: Amen, sister!
Must. Have. That. Shirt!
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