Or rather, trousers, for those of you in the UK.
I love comic book stuff, even though I take issue with the geeks that draw it because every woman is drawn bursting out of her action suit. Even though I don't read the actual comics, I love the movies and I still collect action figures.
So I was interested to read that Wonder Woman is now fighting crime in slacks...but my friend Mike D, who is an even bigger geek in this area than I am, had the following thoughts about it:
Interesting. This probably won’t last very long. Her costume is very iconic, and fans are rather protective of icons. There were a couple of years ago where she lost her powers and then cut her hair off (sniff) for a disguise. She regained her powers and her long hair only a few issues later.
And by the way, I happen to know that Linda Carter was another one of Mr. RK's crushes back in the day.

When I moved to New York in 1994, one of the first and coolest things I saw was a Wonder Woman poster she had signed, hanging on the door of one of the many shoe shops on Eighth Street.
Wonder Woman in a polyester pantsuit???? No way! She's perfect the way she is. I agree with your friend, ya can't change her. For one thing, the yowls from all the lesbians in the world would be deafening. We love WW!
Yeah - I think they need to keep Wonder Woman in the skimpy outfit - it might make it a bit easier to fight crime. Maybe she could just wear the pants in the winter. :)
I'm sure the more conservative look won't last forever. Either way, she still rocks!
Yeah, the new outfit just plain sucks. I like the old patriotic outfit just fine. Let's all protest to DC comics. Great post!
But...but...you forgot the best part. Now she has SPURS.
Because those fit so well with the WonderBra...err, Woman costume and lore. She should always have spurs...
(is there a sarcasm font? Just idly curious...)
FB: I will be listening for the yowls!
L: Great idea about the seasonal outfits ;)
A: She does!
M: Thanks for stopping by!
DW: Sarcasm font! I love it!
I know nothing about Wonder Woman! I read an article about it in the newspaper today, would you like to read it? I've lost your address!
Everyone knows, it is not safe to fight crime in anything but tights. And stylish boots, natch, for kicking ass.
Joey: Yes! I e-mailed you...
FL: LOL! Absolutely, about the boots...
Ha ha!
I hath been quoted! And yes, I am a geek. I hope women find that attractive...I need to post my Plastic Joy soon!
Great article, by the way RK!!!
Oh, and apparently double-stick tape helps from everything falling out (or some kind of rubber cement maybe?)
Wonder Woman can pull off any look! Of course, those killer boots wouldn't look the same w/ slacks over them, but underneath it all she's still a kickass superchica!
Mike: Just saw el joy...bwahaha!
Ily: True!
Well, I guess you are aware that you got Fireblossom all riled up about this. You better keep a check on her from time to time in case she tries to go over the deep end.
GA: LOL! We're both pretty tongue in cheek :)
Happened to be my fav show when I was young :D
I'm so sad they changed her outfit! I freaking love WW.
S: I loved that show when I was a kid, too.
C: Ditto! I have her action figure.
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