Unless we have an event on the weekend, my week begins on Monday. I don't know about you, but I indulge in a number of things on my days off, including weekends, and this includes staying up later. Needless to say, I'm tired most Mondays.
We laugh a lot in my office, and we have decided that this is a very good thing, considering the serious and sometimes difficult nature of the work we are doing.
So that combination - being tired and needing to laugh - seems to make things more funny on Mondays.
Take this conversation from today:
Me: "Do you like albacore tuna? I have some that no one in my house will eat."
Volunteer (thinking I had said "Albertina Kerr," which is a local nonprofit:) "You know, I've been trying to volunteer there, but I can never get a hold of them."
Me: "You want to volunteer at a fishery?"
Explanation and many fits of giggles followed.
Which reminded me of another funny thing, which we also laughed about - at the dentist's on Friday, someone with a name that sounded like "Herbert Stott" was paged over the intercom.
My hygienist paused and said, "Did that sound like 'Herbert Snot' to you?"
We laughed about that all day today, too.
they say laughter is the best medicine.
Which I agreed with until I pushed an annoying person in front of a steamroller.
that felt even better...
No one laughs in the dentist, ever, especially not me!
How could albacore tuna ever sound like Albertina Kerr?
I'm all about the Monday laughter too....in a school you kind of have to be!
I love it when you say one thing and it sounds like another and someone makes a comment like that. It never happens where I work. If it did, I'd be the only one laughing.
PS - I remember those days at the football publishing company after the Dolphins lost a Sunday game. (You always knew the team lost when the owner and manager were in shitty moods all day Monday.) Everything was funny at that place, every day of the week. Miss that job!
Herbert Snot! Hahahahaha!
Once when I was in high school, my dad was on my case about something or other (isn't that always the case with teenagers?) and I asked him, "am I in trouble?" He responded, "huh, lime jello?" Too funny!
Nobody wants to volunteer at a fishery. Place stinks of fish guts.
Did you know that the better your weekend the more likely you will have a heart attack on Monday?
Our dad had a friend named Tom Raper. Every time he would come around or our dad would speak of him, my sister and I would get the giggles.
Would you eat in a restaurant called SMOOTERS?
My grandmother and her sister Eileen were my roll models for laughing at just everything. My grandmother was visiting them and one morning got up and said, "How are y'all doing this morning?" And my aunt said brightly, "I'm having apple jelly!" Sounds a bit like the albacore story. :)
I'm glad you have a lighthearted office.
Herbert Snot. I know him. Always has his nose in everything. Just drips unctuousness. What a blowhard.
Laughing is priceless. And good for your health, too. Have you heard of laughing clubs? No, they don't tell jokes, just laugh. They start mechanically, just going HA HA HA HA.... but in a minute they'l be laughing their you know whats off. And they get younger and younger and younger....
Herbert Snot was wicked! :D
I used to work with a guy that wuld say to the girls(in a very southern accent), "Tickle yer ass with a feather"
when they would give him that look, you know, that you fucking asshole look, he's clear his throat,
"Ahem, I said, Particularly nasty weather"
I think the lime jello one is my favorite...and I wouldn't eat anywhere that ended in "ooters," methinks.
PS Darth, if you want to repeat the exercise, I have a couple of eligible candidates that I can recommend ;)
I always have a smile when I leave the dentist... until his bill comes in the mail. Then I imagine his demonic laughter while I try to pronounce the total....
I remember back when I was employed (sob) I would stay up on weekends and we'd try to make the most out of Mondays too. It's good to be this way.
H: That is hilarious!
Ally: I agree :)
I'm always hearing things that people didn't actually say. Too much loud music in my younger years!
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