Having been encouraged by his kids and his friends, my great uncle J, who is a retired pastor, has been writing down stories about his life. I'd say memoirs but he is about the least pretentious person you could ever meet.
He is a very good writer - I suppose he had plenty of practice writing sermons - and I told him so. I'm going to share his first installment (with his permission, of course) with my writing group tomorrow.
Anyway - and this is on the subject - I collect interesting quotes. Ones that make me think, ones that make me laugh, etc. And I found one within his story:
"Sometimes, some of the seemingly insignificant decisions we make in our lives come to have very significant consequences."
So true, isn't it?
I don't believe in coincidence. I believe we are meant to meet certain people and encounter certain situations in our lives - including challenges that we may not understand for a long time to come - and that we are offered chances and opportunities that we can jump to claim. Or blow it.
What do you think?
I agree.
This is very insightful.
You're right. Everything we do has consequences, some good, some bad.
I say jump that oppurnity :-)
I totally agree. One of the reasons I get along with "difficult people" is because I've found if I stick around long enough I get to know and understand them better, and in the end they wind up being some of my very best friends.
So true. But then, this only goes to show that we should be PRESENT in our present and think about everything, even the small things, we do right now. :)
I couldn't agree more. Some things I've done on a whim have left the longest lasting impressions.
Yes - I've always believed in predestination. Something I've tried to reconcile in my head with past difficulties.
Absolutely agree.
Case in point.
I was waffling on whether or not to take a position that would make me "whole" again (state govt worker who got laid off in '03 and came back part time), but a supervisor of mine told me to take it because he felt that a job freeze was once again on the horizon and that I would be SOL if I didn't take it.
I took it.
Taking that job offer turned out to be the best thing for me, because six years later after making the move, it brought me here.
Without taking that job, I daresay all of the things I've experienced since then (writing, chat rooms, making new friends and blogging) would've never happened.
My 64 years have taken so many twists and turns and introduced new people and situations to my path that I don't have a clue what God is doing to me, but I do know that I love the ride She has me on:)
Well as a Christian I believe that God has a very definite plan for our lives, and the people we meet along the way are all part of that plan. I also believe that God sends us angels in the form of people and they are there to help and protect us.
Sorry I didn't mean for this comment to sound like I'm preaching or anything, just my perspective on stuff.
Interesting feedback!
Joey, it doesn't sound like preaching at all. I agree.
G: That is a very interesting turn of events indeed!
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