Sunday, June 06, 2010

Timing is everything

We went to see Sting play with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra last night (an early - very early - present from my dad.) He played a lot of songs I loved that I had not heard him play in concert before.

I had always thought "Why Should I Cry For You?" was a love song - and it was - but a very different kind than I thought for all of these years since it came out in 1991. It was for his dad, who had died right before he released The Soul Cages album.

It made me cry a little. I am going to New York this week, and I'll be there for the fifth anniversary of my cousin John's death. I'll also be there a few days before the birthday of my friend Ward, who died in 2003.

So this song is for both of them. If you can't play the music, read the lyrics. They're haunting and beautiful.


Senorita said...

I hope that you have a beautiful trip in NY. I know it may not be fun, but hopefully fulfilling.

Lynn said...

I hope you have a lovely trip to New York. And what a great concert to go to - I saw Sting several years ago. So many of his songs evoke different emotions.

RA said...

Yes, yes! More Sting, please!

Have a great time in NY and don't worry about us being jealous as heck for not being able to tag along.... :D

Riot Kitty said...

S: Thanks! It should be fun though. The timing is just odd
L: Thank you! I've seen him four times now, plus once with the Police, and he has never disappointed.
RA: I'd love to pop over to visit your country afterwards!

Fireblossom said...

Oh man, my Twin is a coast to coast jet setter, hobnobbing with Sting!

LL Cool Joe said...

I hope you have a good trip to NY. Thinking of you.

mac said...

That is a good song. Sad, but very good.

Remembering friends is a good thing! If we can keep them in our hearts, we haven't lost them :-)

Riot Kitty said...

FB: I wish you could meet me there!
Joey: Thanks!
Mac: That is a good point. I read something once that said, "Death does not end a relationship, it just changes it." Albeit changes it quite a bit!

Holland said...

I understand the feel and the lyrics of that song... for me the lyrics of "One Word" by Anouk is always touching my heart and brings back memories of those I lost. Pretty good memories though.. lol
I hope you have a wonderful time in NY.

Riot Kitty said...

H: I haven't heard that song - I'll have to check it out.

Darth Weasel said...

dealing with the permanent physical loss of a close one is among the mnost troubling things we face on this mortal coil. Finding things that enhance the memory are true treasures. Be safe in NYC