This meme - post a comment if you want to play - involves 1) you receiving a letter of the English alphabet, and 2) posting 10 things that you love that start with that letter.
So here goes...
1. Fundraising. I did it as a volunteer for lots of years (still do), but now I get to do it for a living, for a great cause.
2. Fudge. Yum, yum, yum!

3. Funny things. I love to laugh - life is too short not to.

4. Foreign movies.

5. Forks. The alternative is so much messier.

6. Father. I love daddy!
7. M. Frederick Davis. OK, this is cheating, but so what. I love my friend Mike D and his middle name begins with F!
8. Fall. It's my favorite season - at least before the rain begins. Then it sucks, but oh well!

9. Foreign languages. I love languages. I do get Spanish and Italian confused sometimes, though, which is irritating.
10. You knew this was coming...I love saying the word "fuck!" It's so versatile - verb, adverb, adjective, noun, etc. But you might not know that it has quite the literary history.
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