A well-meaning (I assume) but pain-in-the-ass (often) volunteer at my work said in a meeting the other day that the end of one of our events was "a little anti-climactic."
Mind you, there were balloons, there was music, there was ice cream, there were people clapping and giving out hi-fives, and 2,000 people finishing the event with smiles on their faces.
This is the same volunteer who is constantly asking things like, "Why don't you have the latest version of MicroSoft Office on all of your computers here?" and, "Why don't you have a postage meter?", "Why don't you have an IT person on staff?" (Hint: we have a staff of two,) and even, "Do you have a vacuum cleaner?"
Me: "Why? Do you need to borrow one?"
Volunteer: "I just wanted to know."
So another volunteer and I were thinking next year's event could be really climactic for her.
PS I don't know about you, but I totally want this shirt! Who knew Canadians could be naughty?