Monday, November 26, 2012

Question of the week (hint: it's about sex)

Would you talk about your sex life for a $10 gift card?

How about with a complete stranger?

Mind you, some people do it for free...

I found it really amusing that people found this survey offensive, because the offending paper could easily be recycled.

But I also wonder who'd say, "Ooooh! A $10 gift card? I'll tell everything!"

It also brings to mind the question, would it depend on where the gift card was from? Would, say, a gift card for Ben & Jerry's be more successful than one for Hello Kitty?

Inquiring minds want to know.


Darth Weasel said...

kind of makes you wonder where all the info in the famous 60s sex survey came from...

Birdie said...

Bring it on! I have never been one to be shy about talking about sex. In fact, my friends love my stories and have asked me to tell them again. To think that it can be that good in a monogamous relationship.

wigsf3 said...

I'm horny and alone.

Where's my $10 gift card?

Granny Annie said...

$10 doesn't inspire anyone. I tried to get my grandchildren to look for an egg nest outside of the hen house and said I would reward the finder with $10. It didn't even motivate the youngest.

Lynn said...

^^^That comment is funny! :)

These questions seemed a little too rapid fire: "— Are you depressed? Have you ever been physically abused? What's your religion? Do you smoke? How much do you weigh?"

Golly - not sure what to think about that.

Rock Chef said...

Hm, after being together for 27 years, most "experts" seem to think that sex should be long forgotten for a couple like us. Who am I to spoil that belief? :-)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

A lousy 10 bucks? No way! The steamy tales of my Penthouse Forumesque sex life will go to the highest bidder . . . I expect to rake in millions!!!

G. B. Miller said...

Hmmm...I wouldn't talk about my sex life for $10, but I do have a short story about a live masturbation performance that I use in its place.

And for those of you out there who think I'm kidding, I'm not.

Introverted Art said...

Hey 10 bucks?1 SURE!!!! sing me up hahahahahaha I think Miss Kitty is looking mighty fine ;-) I still remember when I was having lunch at the mall one day and this senior citizen was telling me about her escapades ;-) BTW, Shushu is one of my dogs, the white one on the side bar photo :-)

Riot Kitty said...

Darth: It does!
B: Must be good post sometime!
WIGSF: That's a pretty good tagline, come to think of it.
GA: Wow, seriously? I would totally look for nests at your house!
L: Yeah, a little weird.
RC: You seriously don't look old enough for that! Did you two meet in the sandbox?
Debra: Excellent!
GB: I know you're not kidding ;)
IA: Glad to know Shushu is a dog...I was hoping that was the case. So did you know this person?

Rock Chef said...


I am 50 next summer...

Holland said...

Bragging about my sex life for 10 bucks??? lol,... let's see... uhhmmm... NO!

Riot Kitty said...

RC: Seriously? I want some of whatever you have.
H: How about $100? ;)

Introverted Art said...

Had no idea who she was... she just asked to sit with me. She had this old wig on and told me how her boyfriend lived in another apt at their senior living facility, because she was not about to pick up man's underwear from the floor!!!!! She went on to tell me how he would come over to do the deed, get together and then he would leave... I will never forget that encounter ;-)

Shionge said...

How can anyone betray your partner (spouse or otherwise) for a mere $10 voucher? That is so sad :(

So my answer is No hehehehe....not even for $100 or more :)

LL Cool Joe said...

What sex life?

A Beer for the Shower said...

As a guy who makes all of his income off of surveys... yes, yes I would. In fact, I have, numerous times. I've also product tested things like condoms and lube. The worst one: Trojan Fire and Ice. Imagine putting icy hot on your junk. First it's cold, then it burns. It's not fun for either guy or girl, believe me.

Riot Kitty said...

IA: I think that is the funniest story I have heard in my life! I wouldn't forget, either.
S: Well, some people actually probably wouldn't mind - if s/he said how great the other person was? :)
Joe: Oh, say it's not so!
ABFTS: Holy shit!! I have a friend who accidentally (long story) had a similar experience with Icy Hot...why the FUCK would anyone do that on purpose?! (You recovered, right?)

OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOL, LOL....NO! Ten Bucks isn't enough....And truthfully---At this point, I don't have much of a Sex Life!

Ileana said...

For $100 maybe...NOT. Hell, no. Who needs to hear all those dirty details?? I have kids, ya know! lol

Riot Kitty said...

OLOTH: Oh, come on! There's always time ;)
Ileana: HA! At least you're not dating the same people as they are!