I have some colorful friends (online and offline), and from time to time, one of them will say, "I hope I didn't offend you!"
My friends, it is very difficult to offend me. However, I was thinking about it, so here are the top several things to which I take offense.
1. People who waste my time. This especially includes people who ask you the same question 12 different ways, hoping, each time, for a different answer. On a couple of occasions on the phone at work, I have actually had to say, "You can keep asking this question, but I won't have another answer for you."
2. People who talk on and on and on and on...and on, and then talk louder when you try to cut them off, so you end up literally having to walk away to save your sanity. Why is it that these are the same people who never have anything interesting to say?
3. People who are fake. You know, the ones who will be super nice to your face and then say, "Oooh, she's such a bitch!" behind your back. Funny, that never works in reverse, does it? There are never people who are rude to your face and nice behind your back!
4. People who get offended about nudity but think violence is A-OK.
5. People who think they have a monopoly on knowledge. This includes the guy I had never met before who accosted me at the lake last weekend and basically told me Christians shouldn't feel bad about having lots of possessions, "because the Book of Revelations says that the streets in heaven will be paved with gold!"
6. People who look down on other people simply because of how they were born - race, gender, sexual identity, social class, etc.
7. People who whine, snivel, and bitch about things, but don't take any action to change them. Here's 50 cents, call someone who gives a shit!
8. Guys who talk to my boobs. I have to say, "They won't talk back to you."
9. Badly made espresso drinks. You know, from mixes instead of syrups. I'm spending a small fortune on this stuff, I'd rather it not taste like mud. Bad espresso drinks are like bad sex and bad pizza: don't bother.
10. You knew this was coming - people who think it's ok to say "Jesus Christ!" or "Oh my God!" but are offended by the word "fuck." Fuck is a very useful word: expletive, noun, adverb, verb, you name it.
Now - dare I ask - what offends you?