Wednesday, June 25, 2008

For once, a totally personal blog

So never mind the fact that our flights were totally fucked because of thunderstorms on the way in, the fact that people were rude, the fact that it was 96 percent humidity...I got to eat great Italian food, of which there is none in Portland!

I saw family...


and went to Central Park...

and Cafe Lalo...

and the Museum of Sex.


But the best part is the torn-off ticket - you've got to love this designer. No one would pose for a picture with this ticket!

My little sibs have decided they like the subway better than cabs - how can they be related to me? :)


vivavavoom said...

looks like a great and bad flights aside. never been to the museum of sex. Do they have a gift shop??

I need to go back to NYC with the family's been too long. welcome home.

Scarlet said...

What a great time! I miss NY! :(

JLee said...

That looks like so much fun! I have only been to NY once years ago. I need another trip...
I would definitely check out that museum! lol

Darth Weasel said...

welcome back! glad you made it safely, we will have to catch up soon

Anonymous said...

I am one good-looking mofo! We had a great time in NYC!

Miss you

Mike D

Green tea said...

Yeh you are Mike...
Welcome home Kitty..

Jessica said...

I envy your vacay!!!
And I really want to go to the Museum of Sex!!! V. V. cool!

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Flattery will get you everywhere!

Mike D

Coby said...

I am soooo loving the picture of the "Meadow" in Central Park. It was one of my fave places!