Thursday, October 16, 2008

The awesome!

Just hung up the picture from Coby - it's as if it was made to match the colors in our living room?

My dad is proud of me - it's my first purchase of a major piece of art. Most of it has been kindly donated by said daddy.


Darth Weasel said...

congrats on moving into the world of art appreciation. I also appreciate Art...he was the bus driver on the route this morning...

listen for azure said...

Wow. Is that... paint?!? I've seen such things before. Must come over and look up close. Paint? Whoa...a painting?

Coby said...

I am so pleased that you like it! There are many things in it that are buried under the paint! words phrases and such!~ have fun trying to find them!

Green tea said...

I love it ...

vivavavoom said...

very cool. I remember getting my first piece of art. it's a great feeling. congrats.

Scarlet said...

An original Olivares! That will be worth millions one day.

Lucky you!

JLee said...

Awesome! I love it...