Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy Birthday, Cupcake!

Today my husband turns - well, in the interest of keeping him happy, I'll just say it's his (Here's a hint: he's less than 40 and more than 20.)

My family and our mutual friends and I always try to make a big deal because his friends and family usually either forget or don't do much. This year, his mom promised to come over with a present and then didn't show. His sister still hasn't mentioned his All of his friends have kids (e.g. chaos), which I suppose excuses them from remembering.

But it still makes me feel bad for him.

It is only since I have met my husband that I've realized that not everyone makes a big deal of birthdays like my family does. A friend once told me, "You're used to being spoiled on your birthday!"

I suppose so :)

But in my family, birthdays are a bigger deal than, say, Christmas, because they're personal. It's a day to be happy to be you! (I used to wonder when I was a kid: if it's supposed to be Jesus' birthday, why am I getting presents?)

This is not to say that we spend gobs of money - especially during the years when my dad wasn't making much money, he didn't (and couldn't) overdo it with presents. But he always made sure we felt special.

I think everyone deserves that.

Happy birthday, sweetheart!


Darth Weasel said...

Indeed, a happy birthday to him...

though I must say that personally, I prefer to ignore mine. Not because I am sensitive about age...I habitually tell people I am older than I actually am...but more because I dislike that sort of attention on me. I always find it quite annoying, actually, when we are dining out and they interrupt a perfectly good conversation to have a bunch of American Idol rejects warble off-key non-standard food chain renditions of Happy Birthday to some yutz three tables over whom I neither know nor want to...

though nice home-type celebrations are a different matter.

vivavavoom said...

Just like you my family always made a big deal of birthdays, etc and when I met my husband I was shocked at how nonchalant (sp?) they all were with it. I think in the 14 years I have been with him he maybe got something once or twice. and by something I mean a coupon for a free drink at McDonalds kind of BS gift. They don't even call him and they live in the same state. but hey, to me I will never understand that and so...I will keep on making a big deal of it regardless of them because I am just happy he was born. enjoy the day!!

Jessica said...

Happy Birthday to your honey.

I think birthdays should be celebrated. It's a day to say to someone: I'm glad you're here. You make the world a better place just by being in it.

JLee said...

Happy birthday Mr. Riot Kitty! lol
My hubby's was Thursday...

Anonymous said...

Happy belated, Sean.

I, too, am one of those who doesn't get the whole celebration aspect of birthdays after a certain age. (That age being 21--which is a milestone.) It's okay to make a big deal of it after you reach a certain age,too, since it's a milestone just to have made it another year when all your contemporaries are dropping like flies and the high point of your month has to do with intestinal functions.

I guess I've never been very good at sending the appropriate birthday cheers.

Riot Kitty said...

Thanks everybody! Viva: That seriously sucks!

JLee: I'll have to start calling him Mr. Riot Kitty...