Thursday, September 19, 2013

This is one way of dealing with things

Mr. RK had a day at work that was full of, as he put it, "clusterfuckery."

Part of the problem was that an overeager engineer tried to "help" Mr. RK's team but kept making the problem worse. He is a French engineer, and didn't seem to understand when Mr. RK and the others told him to stop trying to help.

Finally, they called his boss, who literally grabbed his chair and started rolling him out of there.

"You need to work on ... another tool!" the boss said. "In...another room!"

There are so many moments where I so wish I could do that!

For instance...two new staff people started this month. One of them started this week. And in conversation with a volunteer, she was told, "Oh, and you know what people with mental illness are like!"

Well actually, dipshit, yes she does - because she has bipolar disorder. She just doesn't come with a blinky sign. And apparently, you don't know as much as you think about people like her.

That made me so mad that I wanted to spit (on the volunteer), and the new person is going to let the volunteer know that this is absolutely not OK, that it is the kind of stigma our organization EXISTS TO ERADICATE. Um, HELLO.

But it would be cooler if I could just whisk her off on her chair, wouldn't it?


Birdie said...

Holy shit! I would have said, "No, tell me. What are people with mental illness like?" My god. What year is she living in?

Elephant's Child said...

Yup. I do know what people with mental illness are like. They are like ME.
And the temptation to whisk her off in her chair and push it down a flight of stairs would have been very hard to resist. Hiss and spit.

Rock Chef said...

Real sensitive! Whisk them off in a chair and down the nearest stair well/lift shaft!

Rock Chef said...

Ah, just saw that Elephant's Child had the same idea as me!

Granny Annie said...

Whisk her away in the chair and right over a cliff:)

LL Cool Joe said...

Wow she sounds like a real asset to your organisation. Not!

Wouldn't it be great if we all walked around with blinky signs highlighting our "issues". I'm not sure I could find a sign big enough.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh dear. Maybe the volunteer needs her own blinky sign: "insensitive and judgmental."

Charles Gramlich said...

Yes, send them off to the corner for a long time out.

Lynn said...

Roll her down the street and into a bus away from there!

ShadowRun300 said...

I know of a few people who deserved to be rolled as well.
I like the idea of giving the volunteer her own blinky sign.

Lee said...

It would be cooler...but not as satisfying! ;)

It must be the full moon...I've had more than my fair share of dipshits this week, too...and it all came in one package!!!!

Abby said...

I'm aghast, who would say such a thing??
Grease the wheels and send that chair a-rolling!

Cperz said...

Some people have absolutely no filters between their brain and their mouth. What an insensitive thing to say.

I would of loved for someone to take a picture of the engineer being rolled out of the room. Were the other guys doing a happy dance?

DWei said...

Ugh, those kinds of people are the worst. How did she even get accepted as a volunteer?

OldLady Of The Hills said...

All I can think about is that movie where Richard Widmark pushes the old lady in the wheel chair down a huge flight of stairs....I sure understand the impulse! What an ASSHAT!!!!

G. B. Miller said...

Intestingly enough, the phrase "clusterfuck" is bandied about with great frequency at my job.

And the phrase "the stupid, it burns" is our unofficial anthem as well.

For those of you who don't know, I can (usually) one up our legendary hostess here, 'cause I work for the guv'ment (not federal, but state) and as you know, the guv'ment is a hot bed of what today's post is all about.

Kathleen said...

That would be fabulous, wouldn't it? Just to whisk those annoying people away in their chairs.

Meanwhile, the cringeworthy comment from your volunteer immediately made me think of this:

Introverted Art said...

what a JERK!

wigsf3 said...

What could anybody expect from the French? They suck. They ruin everything.

A Beer for the Shower said...

How about the old timey cane that appears from behind the curtain, hooks around their neck, and drags them off stage? Give it a bit of class...

Dexter Klemperer said...

Whoever thought chairs with wheels would be such an awesome, productivity boosting achievement.

Kerry said...

All of our offices and homes should be equipped with roller chairs. Yes.