Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Delayed gratification

I have to go to court tomorrow. I didn't get in trouble - yet - it's regarding a young person I am advocating for. He is (unfairly in my opinion) in the foster care system and I want him to be able to have an adult to connect with outside of the system.

Still, it is awkward (for a number of reasons I'm not going to go into because you don't want to read a War & Peace length story), and I am not looking forward to it. It's not every day that I have a sheriff arrive at my house with a subpoena to appear in court. (Mr. RK, in classic form, answered the door and said, "I think this is for you!") Mind you, all the forewarning included a one-sentence email from the young man's caseworker: "We might have to go to court and may need you to provide insight about (this person.)" Thanks, lady, for preparing me so very thoroughly.

Anyhow, when I have difficult, anxiety-causing stuff - e.g. dental appointments where they scrape under my gums, etc. - I get through by promising myself that AS SOON AS IT IS OVER I am going to go get some kind of treat. Sugar-free something, I don't know.

I imagine it will go something like this:

Wish me luck.


Birdie said...

God,I love that creature. Look at 1:34 when he sees the cookies and wiggles his fingers. It made me laugh out loud.

Anyway...totally distracted from the point of your post.

I hope the case goes really well. Everyone foster child deserves a chance to break free of the system. Lots and lots of chances. Infinite numbers.

And sugar free is not a treat. Nope, it is not.

DWei said...

Best of luck with that court case.

It'll make for a good blog post no matter how it turns out.

Rock Chef said...

Just remember - you are RIGHT and they are just people.

Elephant's Child said...

Sugar free treat? Spells books or earrings to me. And I am a bit like the Cookie Monster where those treats are concerned...

Good luck - for you, and for the young man you are advocating for. I wish we could clone you - so many people world wide need that support.

Granny Annie said...

You will be a wonderful advocate and do a great job. No doubt about that.

I have to agree with Birdie on the treat thing.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

To hell with the cookie! Take Tom Hiddlestone!

A Beer for the Shower said...

That must be weird to be subpoenaed without warning. Good luck with the court case, and hey, at least it'll make for a killer blog post. I know my jury duty sure did (totally worth 3 days of not making any money!...)

Cperz said...

RK, I am wishing you the best of luck. I think it is awesome that you are acting as an advocate for someone in the system.

Funny line about Mr. RK saying "it must be for you".

As far as so deserve to do something special for yourself. Double the sugar and put whip cream and a cherry on top.

Charles Gramlich said...

Any dealing with courts for any reason is nerve wracking. Hope all goes smoothly.

Abby said...

Picture all of 'em in their underwear.

Hope it goes well, and you get a fun and/or yummy treat!

Lee said...

I hope all went well for the young fellow...or goes well for him.

You will handle it with aplomb, I am sure! :)

Dexter Klemperer said...

Hope all went well. Last time I was in court was as a potential juror in an indecent exposure case. Happily, I didn't make the final cut as I wasn't interested in seeing the evidence.

Introverted Art said...

you know, this is pretty amazing of you to be there for this person. I can;t imagine what would be like to be in the foster care system...

Birdie said...

Just stopping by. Hope everything went well.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oh, I hope it ALL goes well, my dear RK...! I will keep my fingers crossed!!!

Riot Kitty said...

Hey everyone, thanks so much for the good wishes! I didn't have to testify after all - they settled - so I am involved, but not in court at the moment. Thank you for your good thoughts.

Lynn said...

Yay - I'm glad you didn't have to testify. Now about that sugar free treat...that's just wrong. :)

G. B. Miller said...

I wish you nothing but the best. In my sincere opinion, it take a lot of courage to willingly step into the shit pile that is the child social services system.

I know of people who have willingly done it and have come out on top, which in turn they earned my everlasting respect.

LL Cool Joe said...

Hope it went well. I bet it did. You seem to be a very confident person to me that will no problem voicing your opinion.

So is there a dress code for court?

Riot Kitty said...

Lynn: Thanks! And maybe so.
GB: Thank you. It's not a pretty system but sooner or later he'll be out of it.
Joey: Funny enough, they listed the dress code on the subpoena! "Please dress appropriately for tank tops." So bikini halters would be OK?