I was talking to my little brother B the other day, and I asked him what was new.
So I asked him what was old and boring.
He giggled. "You!"
I told him I'd remember that when he wanted me to drive him to get coffee in my cool red car.
And somehow I am still obsessing over that remark (you would, too!) I started reading a book yesterday and the main character is 37 (a year older than me) and some of the other characters in the book are starting in on her that she needs to hurry up and get hitched and multiply because she's pushing it at her age. Ahem.
Then I was talking to a friend who is several years older than me, and somehow we got into a discussion about this very topic. Each year, he recruits a huge team (about 100 people) to bring to our walk, and they always have a theme. Last year they were pirates; this year, they're going as people from the 1960s.
I asked him if they were going to do tie dye and dreads.
"Maybe! It's too bad we aren't half an hour further north, or we could all smoke pot!" (Washington state legalized it a few months ago.)
Then we both agreed that we couldn't stand being around potheads, and that neither of us had smoked that in God knows how long and then we started feeling...old.
Here I am, hoping that my 17-year-old brother doesn't ever try a cigarette, lecturing my friend's 16-year-old son about drugs and drinking. Does that make me old? I'd like to think, if I make it that long, that I'll be the Ruth Gordon of my generation and wear miniskirts and be outrageous as a senior citizen.
Would I have listened to anyone about this stuff back in high school? Probably not...
Somehow, despite B's insulting joke, I still ended up bringing him expensive chocolate and I am sure I will be buying his coffees on this visit (I am in California with family for a few days.)
Old and boring is debatable, but definitely still a sucker!
Oh my, my young friend.....Old is so subjective to where you are chronologically. When I hear a number that starts with a 3, I think that sounds ssoooo young. This year I will turn into a number that starts with a 6. ****sssooooobbb, choke sniffle***, sniffle. As I grew up in the 60s you couldn't pay me to get near tie dye.
I need to get a button made of your "old as fuck" poster and wear it all the time.
You, my friend, might age (as the finest of us tend to do) but you will NEVER be boring!
I know what you mean about lecturing about drugs. I'm especially concerned with my kids who live so close to the port of Miami and dealers are everywhere in this town. Scary thought.
The kitty and caption are hilarious, btw. Such a cute face on that cat!
I don't know what happened to my comment---I wrote this L-O-N-G thing and it just disappeared...OY!
Age is relative, for sure. You, Old??? NAAAAAHH. You are young and full of life, my dear.
What I was saying in my long comment is that I thought Pot should be legalized, everywhere! I'm "old"...the first number of my age is 8 and in a little over two months there will be a 2 after it---AND, I never smoked Pot---in just never interested me---Still I think it should be legal. Frankly, I think liquor is a lot more dangerous and destructive, especially if one drinks and drives. And I think the DUI laws should be MUCH MUCH stricter---First offense, you lose your license. That's it. No more driving. People who drink and drive are lethal!!!
I don't believe Pot carries the same dangers....Just my "old" opinion, my dear...! (lol)
36, old and boring? I'd KILL to be 36 again.
OK, I feel like kind of a schmuck now! I suppose I meant "too grown up."
Cheryl: I would totally wear a shirt like that! No tie dye for me either, although I am sorry I missed that decade because of all of the free sex ;)
Ily: Thanks, chica! And I guess it would be weird for us not to worry about them, right?
Naomi: Totally agree. You totally remind me of my great aunt. She is 80 but looms 60, and is full of zing, and when I grow up, I want to be just like her.
Debra: You are my new best friend ;) Actually I have never wanted to go backwards. I seem to get happier as I get older.
Sorry "looks" 60, not looms. Damn autocorrect.
As the phrase goes 'I am older than dirt'. Just the same, I wouldn't be a teenager again for any one.
Tie dying? Eeeeuw. Pot? You can use me as a sniffer dog, except that they don't retch.
And no, I didn't take any of the well meaning (and correct) advice I was given either.
And you might be buying his coffee now... but your time will come. 'I am a poor pensioner, you will HAVE to buy this round...'
If you are old, what the hell does that make me?? Now I'm depressed. But to young people we are old you know? But the boring bit we can all do something about. ;)
I've never smoked weed, or done any drugs at all. It was never my thing.
I normally don't feel old until a few things raise their ugly head during a course typical day.
1) I will be one step closer to 50 this year {I is 47}
2) Whenever I'm answering a payroll question for someone who makes at the minimum one and a half times my salary and was born between 1983 and 1989
This entire post had me singing Blink-182's "What's My Age Again" in my head.
OK, I totally didn't mean to offend anyone! I don't see any of you as "old," just wondering if I am past it.
GB: I feel the same way when I am at the grocery store and see that people who were born when I was in high school can now buy cigarettes.
I think I was born old. Even as a teenager I never smoked pot or drank (much). I don't think I ever stayed out past curfew. In fact I don't think I even had a curfew because I always made sure I was home at a decent hour.
I left my husband when I was 30 and did everything I didn't do when I was a teenager. I have to say it was a LOT of fun!
You are the opposite of boring, honey!
If you are old then I am ancient.
I hope you enjoy your visit! And I don't like to think about how old I am...
Birdie: I bet that was fun!
Claire: Thanks!
LG and Lynn: I really put my foot in it!
it's not getting old that bothers me...it is spending 9 hrs. out of my day in an office that really pisses me off ;-)
IA: That makes sense! I have hated the jobs where I am stuck in the office all day. I've liked the ones where I can be out of the office for various stuff a lot more.
I often thought of myself as old along many stages of my life. Now I know what it really is like. AT least I HOPE it doesn't get any worse than this. :)
I'm slowly approaching 30, and I keep hearing that that's "old." I don't consider being in your 30s old. Why is that so crazy to people?
You know, it's funny, the other day I was at the post office and realized that 18-25 is the age for men to register for selective service. Now that I'm almost 30, I'm way too "old" for that, and yet if a war was to break out, I'm in so much better shape now than I was as a scrawny, junk-food loving 18 year old. So I guess if a war was going on, I'd get to watch it comfortably from my well-conditioned ass.
Charles: I hear it gets better, is that bs?
your good sense of humour is very appreciated by me and you're most definitely not boring...you're the opposite of boring, girl.
..."to me, old age is always fifteen years older than i am!"
Old is just a state of mind.
And creaky joints, tired legs, a longing for afternoon naps, remembering when gas was affordable...uh oh...I might be here
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