Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Enough already!

I don't like most fantasy, and I don't like Tolkien. I couldn't get through The Hobbit as a kid, even when my dad offered me $20 to read it, and I couldn't get through it as an adult, even though I thought I should read it.

I haven't seen any of the new versions of the movies.

I haven't finished any of the books.

Now mind you, I can understand why people enjoy this type of fantasy, but now we have Winter Storm Gandalf?

For reals.

I am not making this up. And I will feel like a complete asshole if I have to call into work tomorrow and say that Gandalf has me snowed in.

What's next? 50 Shades of Grey, rainy weather? Hurricane Harry Potter? Since when did Hollywood take over the weather?

There is my Wednesday rant, take it or leave it.


Elephant's Child said...

It could be worse. I would hate to be out in a Justin Beiber shower... Hurricane Harry has charm, but 50 Shades of fog would have me hissing and cursing.
A very fine Wednesday rant it is.

Rock Chef said...

Sorry, but I am a huge fan of Tolkien, own the Lord of the Rings Extended Edition on DVD and am hoping to see The Hobbit really soon.

Winter Storm Gandalf?

Hm, the best Gandalf line I can think of for this is:

"You shall not pass!"


wigsf3 said...


DWei said...

Are you sure you don't mean Hurricane 50 shades of grey?

Tons of garbage flying about in an incoherent mess?

Lynn said...

Ha! You are right that is a crazy name for a winter storm. :)

G. B. Miller said...


Cperz said...

I agree...snow storm naming is rant worthy. Why is it necessary to name snow storms at all? If they each need their own identity why saddle the poor storm with a name like Gandalf???

LL Cool Joe said...

I think Hurricane Harry Potter has a certain ring to it. :D

I've never been convinced by naming any storms really. But I've never really understood why people give their cars or computers a name. Erm... why?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've never heard of winter storms or blizzards being named before. And I live in Canada, where we get a LOT of them. You Yanks are crazy.

Ileana said...

You had me at 50 shades of rainy weather...que sexy! ;)

I hear you, gf. I'm not a fantasy girl myself (well, not always.)

Anonymous said...

Don't snob the white wizard.....he no like it.

Logical Libby said...

The Twilight storms would have to be sparkly and really poorly planned out.

Riot Kitty said...

Oooh, I love the other suggestions!

RC, that's pretty clever, actually. There were places where, because of the snow, people could not pass. By that line of thinking, it could have been named after the character in The Holy Grail.

Claire said...

What on earth? And megalol to Rock Chef's suggestion!

Rock Chef said...

That was the Black Knight - the one who got his arms and legs chopped off but refused to accept defeat!

Granny Annie said...

So glad all your lol talking cats are non-fiction:)

Workingdan said...

Winter storm Gandalf isn't that bad. I would be more concerned if they started naming storms Bilbo, or Pippin, or even Frodo.

Charles Gramlich said...

lol. I thought you were joking at first. Wow. I read all the LOTR and the Hobbit. Loved 'em all. different strokes, as they say.

Riot Kitty said...

RC: OH! I love that sketch, how did I forget that was him?!
GA: Haha!
Dan: Ah, good point.
CG: I'm not quite that clever ;0 If you don't like Twilight, you're still in good with me.

Darth Weasel said...

winter storms being named is beyond the pale but that is part of the new world. Everything is bigger, better, more important because it was named.

I intend to take the next natural step in this trend by getting a giant stereo and carrying it around on my shoulder, blasting music.

That is right, my life now has a soundtrack. If it is multi-channel I can have laugh tracks, groups of people saying "aaaaaahhhh"...

and the inevitable weeping when people read this nonsense...

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Hollywood hasn't taken it over---The Media Weather people have....It does seem pretty dumb.
I'm with you on these fantasy things---I have never read any of these books or seen any of the movies---It has absolutely NO interest for me, whatsoever....
Now..."THE WIZARD OF OZ"...That is a different story....!

Riot Kitty said...

Darth: That totally reminds me of the Family Guy episode!
OLOTH: True. Media weather people are the worst!

Birdie said...

My son has been begging me to go see The Hobbit. I also tried to read the books and couldn't get past the first chapter. meh I will go to the movie just because it is so important to my son.