Thursday, October 13, 2011

Things I like Thursday

Claire inspired me to un-grump, so here I go - some things I like:

1. Dessert. Enough said.
2. Humor. A friend told me today that he wanted to start his own green energy company. Why a green energy company? "Because I don't want to cook, and I don't want to touch anyone!"
3. Iced soy mochas. Because.
4. My kitties. One of my dear boys is recovering from eye surgery. We might get him a pirate eye patch for Halloween. Incidentally, Papa RK said it sounded very expensive to take him to a cat opthamologist...I said, "Maybe, but I like him more than most of our relatives."
5. My brother's upcoming visit. I am going to get him a new phone for his birthday. I think this makes me cool for life.
6. Flower pictures. I took some pretty neat ones in London. See below.
7. Exchanging e-mails with my great uncle, who at age 80, just went to San Francisco and had Thai food for the first time.

What are you enjoying lately?


Kev D. said...

Using my juicer in the morning!

Lynn said...

The scent of the morning coffee brewing...

I love that one about your 80 year uncle, who is emailing and eating something for the first time.

G. B. Miller said...

The precious two hours of alone time that I get whenever I do my morning errands on the weekend, or on my day off.

If I don't get them, I often wind up like my word verify of "dingi".

LL Cool Joe said...

More or less the same as G. The pockets of time I get to myself. Without them I'm not a happy bunny.

Granny Annie said...

I am most enjoying the days that my spouse feels like doing thing and we can get out of the house. Those days are become more and more frequent as he recovers from his cancer treatment.

I have a cat that looks just like the one in your picture.

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying crossword puzzles.

Riot Kitty said...

Those all sound enjoyable.

GA, I am so glad. And send me a pic of your cat! My Earl Grey could be this guy's cousin.

Ileana said...

Beautiful and vibrant flower pics. Nice job on those! Also, can you be any cooler in your family (and our) eyes??

PS - I love your comment about getting along more with your cat than some family members. I get you COMPLETELY on that one, chica!

Anil P said...

Enjoying lately? Your blog of course. Adds that much more zing to a sunday.

Riot Kitty said...

S: Thanks! Could I be cooler? Without the Ace bandages, yes ;)
A: You are kind, thanks!

Susan English Mason said...

I'm enjoying yoga, except I can't seem to convince my muscles that they are supposed to stretch, not break.

Riot Kitty said...

S: I haven't tried that for the same reason...

Shionge said...

Lovely flowers there RK and I suppose it has to be relaxing in bed watching Simon Cowell in X Factor hehehe...

Riot Kitty said...

S: Haha!