It has, shall we say, been a rough few days. I'm sorry to be largely absent from blogland, but I have spent more time on the phone with all kinds of bureaucrats over the past few days than I have spent on the phone with anyone in probably a year. (My advice for the uninitiated: MAKE A WILL and KEEP ALL OF YOUR IMPORTANT PAPERS IN ONE PLACE.)
That said, I cannot say enough thank-yous to all of you who have showered us with hugs, consolations, donations in my mother-in-law's memory - some even from people I have never met - and general good thoughts.
That has helped make up for some of the not-so-funny insane shit, like my mother-in-law's "friend" who called Mr. RK's sister not 12 hours after their mother died and demanded to start going through her stuff. Or the person we have never even heard of who wanted to go view her body at the hospital morgue. Or the "friend" of my sister-in-law who asked, "Can I have your mom's clothes?" I kid you not. Or the hospital's business office calling my husband asking for insurance information after I specifically told them all such calls go through me, so my husband and his sister can be left alone. (I left her a voicemail that was, albeit without any profanity, so stern that she is now only speaking to the insurance guy.)
However...the last couple of days were without their insane moments of humor. I'll take any laugh I can get just about now.
Picking up my mother-in-law's ashes today at the funeral home, all was very solemn. Outside, my sister-in-law gave me a hug and then whispered, "Your zipper is down."
And I was wearing bright pink underwear!
Don't tell me that's TMI. I had to live it, you just have to read it.
Then one of Mr. RK's mom's friends made a donation in Mr. RK's mom's memory. The donor's name is Ms. Adcock.
And she is a lesbian.
I swear I'm not making this up. A friend of mine texted: "This is beginning to sound like a British sitcom!"
One of my (gay) friends said, "I believe that. If it was Mrs. Delete Cock, I'd be skeptical."
Another friend (who is a lesbian) said, "I'd be wary if Mrs. Strap-on donates in Mr. RK's mom's memory."
So if your last name is Strap-On - hey, it's possible, if you are married and/or British aristocracy - please do donate. I double dog dare you!