Friday, May 12, 2017

I do not have a fix for you!

I've been waiting to do another good rant, and here I go!

As some of you know, I'm in charge of a several-thousand person event this month. I love my job. I love being paid to agitate at work, and since I work in mental health advocacy, it is a very scary time right now. People are worried that they won't have coverage or won't be able to afford it...don't get me started.

Anyhow. I do some policy work as well, but the event I am in charge of is the largest mental health event in the region of the country where I live. Our organization is leading the fight to protect coverage and this is a civil rights issue. However, I do not want to be leading the charge to be the IT-person-in-chief for all of the people who try to sign up for this event.

And apparently there are quite a few people who just realized that 1. the event is in 10 days, and 2. have no computer skills, and 3. don't know how to read, and 4. expect me to fix #2 and #3.

Bloody hell, people!!! One woman has emailed me literally 20 times, and called two of our organization's offices, trying to fix things on her team page, including her own name, which she misspelled when she signed up. Lady...I do not have a fix for you.

I have gotten texts about event shirts on weekend nights. I have had my name incorrectly listed in a news article as person who signs people up for this event (I don't - see the part about how we have thousands of people?)

Here is a typical email: "Do you have five minutes before 11:30 a.m. to help me figure out X, Y, and Z?" (Sent today at 10:55 a.m.)

But my favorite email came from someone who asked me for help planning a mental health event to be held on the same day as our event.
"It would be great if people from your organization could be there," she wrote.

Yes, really.

Every previous person who had this position and ONLY did events and fundraising had an assistant. For better or for worse, I have OCD tendencies (yes, that is the official diagnosis), which makes me extremely organized.

My boss: "You are organized enough that you don't need an assistant."



Elephant's Child said...

Not nearly enough time or money is spent on finding a cure for stupidity.
Good luck.

Birdie said...

I thought admit, I would be one of those people that who spells her name wrong on a sign up sheet. Even when I was young my teachers told me that I need to slow down and read instructions. (Hangs head in shame.)

LL Cool Joe said...

I was about to laugh and say "The woman spelt her name wrong! What an idiot!" Then I read Birdie's comment, so I won't say that. ;)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wishing you a zen-like existence of calm and peace before and during your event!

Jono said...

All of the above. Makes me want to go to the event just to tell you how awesome it was when it's over and make you feel better about the previous weeks of stress and involuntary hair removal. If you can pull all of this off I may recruit you to be President of the U.S. We need one that has a clue and can pull off the impossible with so little help and cooperation. Take a deep, cleansing breath. It'll all be over soon.

G. B. Miller said...

Speaking as someone who has mild OCD kept well under wraps 97% of the time, I can sadly confirm having bosses that clueless.

Remember, keep thinking violent thoughts of retribution to keep yourself grounded. :D

I Are Writer!

Charles Gramlich said...

Yikes. that would have me pulling out my hair, and I've got a lot of hair to pull out

H.R. Bennett said...

Yeeeeesh. I'm so sorry. While I can't say I've ever experienced just that, I've worked with the public enough to empathize.

Abby said...

So... is your OCD tendency seen to be in lieu of a paid assistant? I'd ask that it be paid.

Granny Annie said...

I know that you are the most gracious hostess and planner. I also know that it is a good thing you have your blog to let off steam. Being nice all day creates a need to vent somewhere, some way. I used to go in the supply vault and scream.

Lynn said...

That's just crazy. And love that kitty at the end! :)

A Beer for the Shower said...

What a coincidence. I've been waiting for you to do another good rant, too.

This one wasn't so much hilarious as just plain frustrating. And that part about you having OCD so you don't need an assistant, that just brings back great memories of working in an office and remembering that if you do well at your job, it can only serve to hurt you.

You don't need help, because you do the job of 4 people! (Awkward chuckle that is not reciprocated)
I'd love to promote you, but you're doing so well here, I know I just won't get that same level of service from someone else if I move you up to another position! (Awkward chuckle that is not reciprocated)

Riot Kitty said...

Oh no! My goal was to get people to laugh....I will try harder ;)

Riot Kitty said...

I need a supply vault!

Lee said...

I have to ask, you have any hair left??

HBF said...

I totally imagined facepalming and then doin' one of those desperate hair-grabbing screams of frustration when I read this! May miracles find you!

Blue Grumpster said...

I love your rants. You always outrant me with fying colors. "It would be great if people from your organization could be there.." Where do you find those idiots?

Mike_D said...
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