Wednesday, July 11, 2012

(Nearly) Wordless Wednesday, Courtesy of Mr. RK

This is the way Mr. RK lets people know an appliance has gone dad says we should hang it outside of Congress.


Lynn said...

That is hilarious! Heartless machine.

LL Cool Joe said...

It's amazing how many things that don't work still take your money. :D

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Unload that machine gun into it, Riot Kitty!

Full-On-Forward said...



Riot Kitty said...

L: He is one of the funniest people I have ever met. I wish I could think of things like that!
Joey: Yep, that's for sure...especially if you're a parent ;)
D: I didn't think of that...
J: I'm sure you two would get along great!

Granny Annie said...

Okay Mr. R.K. is funny but so is your dad:)

Claire said...

Those two guys are so funny!

G. B. Miller said...

Probably can post that sign outside the capitol as well. :D

Riot Kitty said...

GA and C: I do get a lot of laughs between the two of them.
G: Probably can post it just about everywhere elected officials roam.

wigsf3 said...

Maybe Mr. RK should hang that sign on you too...


wigsf3 said...

And know I'm banned

Workingdan said...

The machines are taking over the world!

G. B. Miller said...

wigsf3: I wouldn't say banned, but it certainly was a dumb comment to make.

It was the kind of comment that I expect a self-centered 'tween to make, like my daughter. But then again, my 11 year old has a maturity level that some adults can't match.

Riot Kitty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Riot Kitty said...

OK now I'm pissed. How come I can't delete the comment from this Boycott American Women idiot? I posted and was able to delete my own comment.

Riot Kitty said...

Ha! Got it. And comment moderation, you dumb fuck.

G. B. Miller said...

Yeah, I got nailed on my blog with that. However, I had found a comment from a regular reader that I had to unspam 'cause I'd somehow inadvertantly (I think) hit "spam" by mistake.

Frankly, I'm surprised that idiot hasn't tried to post his blog link, unless Blogger found it to be a spam blog and removed it.

Ileana said...

Don't you hate that?? It doesn't even show up sometimes in my comments, but it does in my e-mail. Go figure.

PS - Love the photo! :D

Darth Weasel said...

I always likd Will Rogers' comment on Congress;
"Let us suppose you are a member of Congress. And let us further suppose that you are an idiot. But I repeat myself."

Anonymous said...

Yeah! Machines are assholes. Why on earth would they take our money when they don't work! I am thinking of Chuck E. Cheese's here.

A Beer for the Shower said...

The last time a machine laughed at me, the world went black. And when I woke up, they were removing broken nuts and bolts from my battered fists.

Rock Chef said...

Don't you like the Boycott American Women guy? I think he is just a real sado who is saving up for one of those obedient Asian wives. And don't those always work out soooo well :-)