I live just outside of the City of Portland for a reason: there are some things I do not like about it, Sam I Am.
I work there. I hang out there. But their local government, on occasion, makes about as much sense as Berkeley.
Now, some people presume that because I am progressive that I am a flaming lefty. Not so when it comes to many things - I believe very strongly in personal responsibility and the less the government interferes in my life, the better.
Mind you - and this is relevant - I am a healthy eater. I do not think anyone should be able to sell us shit filled with dangerous chemicals or cows that have eaten other cows, or anything else that is, well, unnatural.
However, I don't need my calories printed on my blackberry smoothie receipt, people.
Multnomah County, which includes Portland, is now requiring this kind of disclosure at the drive through. I got a smoothie on the way home the other day and just about passed out.
Not only was the calorie count there, the percentage of carbs/calories/etc based on a 2,000-calorie-a-day and a 2,500-calorie-a-day diet were also included.
New York City - where the mayor is such a health nut that he salts his pizza (
Darth, you're right, where is a sarcasm font when I need it?) - enacted a similar law. Getting coffees at Starbucks on our vacation, we saw each pastry in the bakery case labeled with the amount of calories and grams of fat. Ugh.
Now I DO want access to this information as well as - and more importantly - the ingredients. But PLEASE! Do you need to print it right on my receipt? Post it right in the pastry case? Having a brochure available would be enough. I am an adult. I know a smoothie is not as healthy, as, say, a head of plain lettuce.
Is this for my own good? Maybe. But every now and again I enjoy a treat. I seriously doubt this is going to prevent obesity. If the government really cares about our health, I'd rather they find a way to keep soda machines out of schools and PE programs funded.