published by me!
I stole this from
Foster Communications and
JLee, who stole it from WIGSF who stole it from Miss Ash...
My roommate and I once: Couldn't figure out why the key wouldn't open our apartment in NYC. It turns out we were on the wrong floor (this was before I quit drinking ;)
Never in my life have I: Wanted to be a Republican
High school was: Shitty. Hated every minute of it.
When I am nervous I: Get coffee.
My hair is: Ash colored. Brownish.
When I was 5: I was bossy.
By this time next year: I will have paid down some bills and have gone on a trip with Mr. Riot Kitty.
I have a hard time understanding: Greed.
You know I like you if: I open up to you. I am usually the listener in regards to personal stuff.
My ideal breakfast is: Eggs, fake veggie sausages, juice and hash browns. Cooked by someone else.
If you visit my hometown: You will want to run away screaming.
If you spend the night at my house: My cat will probably try to eat your hair.
My favorite blonde is: The 1950s sassy girl in the dishtowel series who doesn't cook, clean, or need a male.
My favorite brunette is: Mr. Riot Kitty.
The animal I would like to see flying is: A porcupine, because it would be hilarious.
I shouldn’t: Blurt things out that I really shouldn't. Luckily this doesn't happen very often, but it has happened too much lately!
Last night I: Went out for dessert with Mr. Riot Kitty and
Darth and his wife, who are cool people and great friends.
If I could have any car it would be: A Mustang convertible that somehow got great mileage and was able to run on biodiesel...
I’ve been told I look like: Familiar. I kid you not. People everywhere, from the housekeeping/maintenance staff at work, to strangers at the coffee shop, have told me this. I'd like to think I'm a bit more unique...should perhaps dye my hair blue. Although then I'd probably be told I look like Cookie Monster.